The wonder of messages (07/18/2013)

Around the beginning of March, I began contacting doctors who were familiar with Misophonia. I started with the eight doctors that popped up with I searched Misophonia, and asked if any of them knew of doctors in the Boston area. I received several replies. Many of the doctors recommended white noise generators (which I already had). I ended up talking on the phone with a few of the doctors. The gist of the phone calls was that I was already doing everything I could and to have hope for future research. After about a few weeks, I pretty much gave up because I kept receiving the same responses. About a month later I heard back from an audiologist at Northeastern. She had said she recently went to a training with Dr. Jasterboff, and that perked my attention.

For those who do not know, Dr. Jasterboff is the man who coined misophonia.

The Northeastern audiologist had had training in tinnitus retraining therapy which is similar to misophonia therapy. I contacted her to set an appointment. However, she responded saying that she was not especially trained in treating misophonia.

Instead she referred me to Dr. Jasterboff himself!

Excuse the errors, this was written on my phone

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It has been a while (07/07/2013)

I have not posted on this blog in quite a while. I have not posted because finals were in May, and I became immersed in studying. Summer came soon after, and I returned home for this summer. I sought out treatment for Misophonia on June 3rd. I was given a new treatment plan that I was told could rid me of my Misophonia. It has been a month, and I didn’t want to post because I was afraid that I would be immune to the treatment. Contray to my fears, the treatment plan I have been following is working. I can now hear a sniff take a breath and let it go. The rage no longer builds up in my chest. I am not completely “cured” but I am on my way.

Two months ago, I could honestly tell you this could not be possible. I was at the lowest of the lows with my misophonia. I would go to lecture, but I would wear earphones blasting music to make the lectures bearable. I could only copy down what I saw. Dinner with friends was no longer an option on most days because the stress of finals made the misophonia so much worse. My grades were on a tipping point between two letters, and I was obsessed. There were points were I simply left lecture halfway though because I could not handle the noises. Let me tell you that missing part of the lectures only made me more stressed.

In comparison, now I am doing so much better. My sister who has not seen me since March recently came home, and commented that I could withstand so much more of the sniffing. But most importantly, I feel better. I feel more in control. The control I gained all started on June 3rd.

I will give more details of my journey later. I want to get the word out as much as possible, so I will be doing it in several posts. Please follow if you want to hear about the hope for misophonia sufferers.